Robert Rodriguez attended
comicon to talk Red Sonja which he is producing and unoffically co-directing, he will also be involved with the Conan remake as a producer! No word on long awaited Madman film or the equally highly anticipated Sin City Sequel.
Robert Rodriguez greeted fans at the San Diego Comic-Con and offered a first look at the upcoming Red Sonja feature, set to star Rose McGowan as the red-haired Robert E. Howard heroine. Though no footage has been shot, a lot of promotional imageshave already been prepared and were revealed for the first time, depicting McGowan in the classic chainmail bikini, one of which has been prepared as a mini poster that will be distributed to fans right after the panel.
Rodriguez recalled his love for Howard's characters, pinpointing the specific "Savage Sword of Conan" issue #60 as the moment he fell in love with the world of Cimmeria. He had been trying to get Red Sonja on the big screen for years and, coincidentally, the script came across McGowan's desk at exactly the right time.
Because of his commitments, Rodriguez wasn't able to direct "Sonja" and instead offered up the reins to his friend, Douglas Aarniokoski. He did promise that he'll be extremely hands-on as a producer to the extent that it'll basically be unofficial co-directing.
The big news from Rodriguez is that he's in early talks to produce the upcoming Conan film as well, cementing the filmic universe. With that, "Sonja" and Thulsa Doom all coming in the next few years, Robert E. Howard fans should be very happy.