My first reaction when I heard about this being made was why? and when McG came on board to direct I gave up all hope then Christian Bale came on board to play John Conner which got me interested in it again slightly but since that announcement my interest subsided again and wondering why Bale would associate himself with this especially when a well publicised strange Internet rumor which was all over the place came out. My interest then raised up again when a rather good cast was announced followed by a rather impressive teaser. Now news coming from SDCC at the Terminator Salvation panel has the film sounding pretty spiffy and a certain writer on board has me very very interested in this film.
You can get a full rundown here on what happened, some of the highlights are that Jonathan Nolan who co wrote The Dark Knight is the lead writer of the film, they are not making the it for a PG-13 rating, James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzegger were consultants on the movie and they are using designs that the late great Stan Winston worked on plus it will also be dedicated to him. Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men is a big influence on the style of the movie and its not gonna be CGI heavy. A full trailer will be released in front of Quantum of Solace on November 7 from everything I've heard this is looking to be an unexpected treat.

You can get a full rundown here on what happened, some of the highlights are that Jonathan Nolan who co wrote The Dark Knight is the lead writer of the film, they are not making the it for a PG-13 rating, James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzegger were consultants on the movie and they are using designs that the late great Stan Winston worked on plus it will also be dedicated to him. Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men is a big influence on the style of the movie and its not gonna be CGI heavy. A full trailer will be released in front of Quantum of Solace on November 7 from everything I've heard this is looking to be an unexpected treat.