Flicks News sadly brings you news that Oliver Postgate creator of some of the most magical and best-loved children's TV series including Bagpuss, Ivor the Engine, the Clangers and Noggin the Nog has died today at the age of 83.
His work, screened on the BBC from the 1950s to the 1980s, was often in collaboration with the artist and puppeteer Peter Firmin, they both formed the company Smallfilms. In a poll earlier this year, Bagpuss, a raggedy saggy pink cloth cat, was voted the best TV animal of all-time.
Oliver Postgate leaves behind a surreal and utterly brilliant collection of work that is timeless and will forever embody the simplicity and imagination of childhood.
BBC Obituary: Oliver Postgate
His work, screened on the BBC from the 1950s to the 1980s, was often in collaboration with the artist and puppeteer Peter Firmin, they both formed the company Smallfilms. In a poll earlier this year, Bagpuss, a raggedy saggy pink cloth cat, was voted the best TV animal of all-time.
Oliver Postgate leaves behind a surreal and utterly brilliant collection of work that is timeless and will forever embody the simplicity and imagination of childhood.
BBC Obituary: Oliver Postgate
Charlie Brooker's Tribute to Oliver Postgate