Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nicolas Winding Refn Wants 'Wonder Woman'

Danish filmmaker, Nicolas Winding Refn has revealed his intetnion to take the helm of the troubled 'Wonder Woman' film. Best known for the 'Pusher' trilogy, 'Valhalla Rising,' & 'Bronson,' Nicolas Winding Refn has outlined what problems you would have to address in order to make a creditable film:
Refn compared his take on Wonder Woman to Christopher Nolan's Batman revamp, saying: "You need a great, extravagant, marketable action film - and everything that comes with it. But I think that when Christopher Nolan did the Batman movies, I think he very cleverly went back to the source material and took themes that had maybe not been exercised."

The director disclosed that his main objective would be to create a formidable villain for the movie, as Wonder Woman doesn't "have a Joker or those classic Batman guys".
He explained: "That's when it gets interesting, because you have to create a great countervillain to her. They tried in Catwoman - with not particularly good results. The trick with Wonder Woman is to find that antagonist who worked so well in the Batman concept - his villains are equally if not more exciting than Batman himself.

"Here, it's basically coming up with who would be a great counterpart to Wonder Woman. Is it her mother who's the real enemy? Something that’s biblical in a sense."